
Learning guide 13

As we know, Spanish likes to have a few curve balls. There are some irregular preterit verbs that you need to know. Here are a few of our usual suspects.


Use this notes to help you complete pages 10 and 11.

Record yourself answering the following questions or record yourself talking with a partner where you take turns asking and answering the questions (answer in a full sentence in Spanish).

Complete the reading activity on p. 13 and submit. Use p. 12 to find the answers. Be sure to answer in Spanish.

For your mini writing task, watch the following video. After you have watched it, use the vocabulary page to write an 8 sentence paragraph describing what happened in the video. Remember to refer to your grammar notes on pages 6 and 9 to help you conjugate you're verbs. Try to use some of the transitonal words on page 1 to make your paragraph flow.

Video vocab 1 / vocab 2

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